Greetings from Roscoff!
The VIBRIO2016 Conference concluded today. This conference is the biggest gathering of scientists with one thing in common – their love for vibrios. Current researches on Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio fischeri, and other vibrios were presented. Great French wine and Vibrio-free seafood were also very abundant at the conference.
Yan presented a talk about work in the lab on the population structure of natural populations of V. cholerae. Fabini's poster presentation was on a newly characterized Vibrio species, Vibrio cidicii, work he and Yan did with collaborators from the University of Alberta, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC... cidicii. Get it?).
The conference was organized by Dr. Frédérique Le Roux and her lab team from the Station Biologique Roscoff. VIBRIO2017 will (possibly) be held in Chicago, USA.
Vibrio2016 attendees