Yann Felix Boucher, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator

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Yann is an Associate Professor at the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health. He holds a B.Sc. in Biochemistry from Université Laval and obtained his Ph.D in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Dalhousie University, both in Canada. He moved to Australia to study mobile genetic elements as a Macquarie University Research Fellow before going to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a Merck-MIT Computational and Systems Biology Fellow.


Ming Guang Koh, B.Sc.

Research Assistant

May 2023 - present

Ming Guang graduated with a B.Sc (Honours) in Biological Sciences and has previously worked with Singapore Food Agency in ensuring that food supplies are safe for consumption. His current research project involves isolating phages from the gut microbiome.

Adrian Low, Ph.D.


Senior Research Fellow

Mar 2023 - present


Adrian enjoys the challenge of culturing fastidious cultures, particularly anaerobes. He is developing a pipeline for culturomics. He enjoys working collaboratively and he takes pride in his mentees doing well. His latest projects 1) examine the role of gut microbes in diseases and the well-being of the host and 2) a study of antimicrobial resistance in ESKAPE pathogens from human stools. Previous studies involved bio-augmentation of organohalide-contaminated groundwater, antimicrobial resistance and microbial risk assessment of watersheds, and longitudinal and biogeographical studies of murine gut microbes using molecular tools. 

Xiu Qi Koh, B.Sc.

Research assistant

Oct 2022 - present

Xiu Qi developed a keen interest in microbiology and infectious diseases during her undergraduate years at the National University of Singapore. After working on the human gut microbiome for her Final Year Project and obtaining her B.Sc. degree (Hons) in Life Sciences, Xiu Qi hopes to further explore the field of microbiome and its role in human health and disease.

Yebon Deborah Kang, B.Sc.

PhD student

Aug 2022 - present


Deborah obtained her B.Sc. degree in Life Sciences at Korea University, South Korea. She is the first PhD student to join the Boucher lab after its move to Singapore. She is interested in genetic variation of enteric bacteria in the aquatic environment as well as its impact on transmission pathways to humans.

Jia Yee Ho, B.Sc.

PhD student

Aug 2023 - present

November 2021 - Aug 2023 (Research assistant)


Jia Yee received a B.Sc. (Honours) in Biomedical Sciences in Newcastle University, UK. After graduation, Jia Yee then involved in a few research projects related to detection of coliform bacteria and antibiotic resistance bacteria in river water as well as wastewater using various techniques at Newcastle University Medicine (NUMed) Malaysia. Her research interests include antibiotic resistance, One Health and molecular biology.

Dalong Hu, Ph.D.


Research Fellow

September 2021 - present

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Dr. Dalong Hu specializes in microbiology, epidemiology, and bioinformatics for clinical pathogens detection, infectious diseases diagnosis/tracing/control/prevention and intestinal bacteria with their effect on health. He was awarded a Ph.D. in the field of bioinformatics at the University of Sydney in 2019 and started his postdoctoral career at the University of New South Wales in the field of epidemiology from 2019 to 2020. His highlighted works include revealing the origin of the 7th cholera pandemic and prognostic factors in elderly COVID-19 patients.

Tareq Islam, Ph.D.

Research Fellow

September 2015 - present

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Tareq has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Microbiology from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His principal project is on the ecology and epidemiology of Vibrio cholerae in Bangladesh.