2013 R.E. Peter Biology Conference

The 2013 Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference was held at the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, University of Alberta on March 7-8. 2013. This annual student-run conference is organized by the Biological Sciences Graduate Student Association of the Department of Biological Sciences to showcase life sciences research conducted by students at the University of Alberta and institutions across the province.

Research projects from the Microbiology 492 class (Environmental Microbiology Laboratory) of Dr. Rebecca Case were presented at the conference. Paul co-authored the poster "Influence of vertically inherited symbionts and environmental bacteria on microbial communities in glass sponges." Both Tania and Fabini co-authored the poster "Microbial community analysis of wastewater tertiary effluent using 16S rRNA PCR-DGGE." These were presented by fellow graduate students, Anna Bramucci and Albert Rosana, respectively.

This year's internal keynote speaker was Dr. Heather Proctor (Department of Biological Sciences). Dr. Lenore Fahrig from Carleton University was the external keynote speaker.